Wednesday 6 October 2010

Attractive.. Huh?

Today in class the boys decided to stay with us because it was raining, and we got onto the subject of as boys say "FIT girls". I remember there being a girl who left about a year ago in our class that the boys used to drule over.. but I couldn't understand why!
- odd dress sense
-Greasy dark hair
-Funny teeth
- Smoked weed etc.
- And smelt of it!
- weird tree trunk legs
And hangs herself around a pole for a hobby  Oh yes folks !

I just didn't get it, but they said she was " WELL FIT" leaving me and Anna slightly confused :S!
Then we realised she was
- well up for it all
- Nice body (accept from the legs)
- Nice eyes
- Big Boobs!!
- And hangs herself around a pole for a hobby
LOL.. now we get it!

That really says a lot about a boys mind doesn't it! Jee's!

Beauty and mostly Personality lads COME ON!!!!... Also brains helps!

Aha im happy my boyfriend doesn't think like that, 18 months today :) bless him <3
... well I hope he doesn't 

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Disagree Maybe

Anna and I were just saying,  Why did bloody Cheryl Cole herself  not put through poor Gamu Nhengu!
 How beauiful and new Gamu voice is, id buy her records anyday !


Isnt she just amazing, aparently auto tuned though? still good :)

^ This Guys saying Gamu is a wildcard, and she went out for publicity and then is coming back....?
Maybe its true,
Simon Cowell thought on his feet their didnt he!!

And i will have to admit I am a bit of a Cher FAN !! Love her !
but probably only put through cause she can sell records, but still LOVE HER! >

Turn My Swaggg Onn!

Loving These

There are some absolute Beautys on here picture wise < check it out

My Caption of life ^ 
Always Believing

Captures the Sunshine and beauty :)

Oh what i love most sitting in bed and thinking
and obviously sleeping!!

Anyone Wanna be my friend on FACEBOOK!

My Group;


Come and say hello :D

The Essence of Friendship

Oh how i do love my friends, Anna, Rosie, Charley and.... Andie ( well sort of) i cant really decide whether i could class either Charley or Andie as my friend?
They have a vicious circle, but what goes around comes around i guess, just let them be.

Poor Rosie has been put on a strict diet due to some sort of illness she has to do with the bowls, so she is eating nothing containing wheat, ... which inevitably leads to one thing ... salad salad and morrre yummy salad!
Rabbit food as i call it, but there is one problem you see with me calling it rabbit food, my friend Andie has her top jaw which sticks out above her bottom, a deformity of hers, and all the boys in our year call her a rabbit. As cruel that may sound. But hey its school we are teens, what can we do?

So me essentially being me i go ahead because i am so intelligent and say " Rosie, your eating rabbit food!"
Everyone then starts chuckling away whilst im bemused, wondering what they are laughing about (i had no idea believe me).

I have NEVER in my life had such dagger eyes thrown at me. Andie turn snarling, her big teeth sticking out over her bottom lip. Anna cant seem to contain herself and burst out laughing, then leading me to laugh!"

"PAA!" Anna cries she is nearly wetting herself along with Rosie!

I felt so bad, but "I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT!"

Oh god no!.... "*.... Your so pathetic! IMMATURE and PATHETIC!
oh dear Andieeee got a little bit stressed! then walked out!

Arrrh :) the true wonders of friendship eh! They are so freaking hilarious when you have such a dumb friend like me !


Sunday 3 October 2010

1st hour diaster!

FINALLY i have reached my most successful year of school, no more being shoved in the hallways, I am the oldest and in fairness that is true, bring on the year i say. Strutting through the hallways head held high, recently highlighted blonde hair, and yes to top it off the braces are off, oh yes i was looking good! For the first time i felt strong and in power of everything i had! this was a good feeling.
Oh how refreshing, wait till i see Anna, oh there she is ! Annnnaaaa :D......

BAMM! the door decides to shut... on my face, blood everywhere, bleeding nose, oh great! ohh bloody great ! i knew it couldn't last long, the door decides to snap me back into reality, if that was a person the police would be involved! i had been in school 15 whole minutes and me being me i get my face slapped by a door, what a bitch !!

Owww!! Anna comes running over "Oh God, Turn Walk fast! so i picked up the pace covering my nose with my hand and headed to the toilets, one of my so called friends was nearly peeing himself laughing! arr the joys of school, and people say you must go to school it is GOOD for you!

Yes surely good, if the people pick on you, doors like to embarrass you and many other things on top of that which school is not good for... teachers are just so caring and considerate aren't they, that when i just got mowed down by the swinging door the teacher just down the hall didn't even realise,she just sat their reading her obviously interesting book with her cuppa, oh such wonderful care in schools these days!
(Teachers are alright really i was just very annoyed!)

I dabbed the blood from my nose, Anna frantically passing me the bog roll,  "you better stop bleeding soon ! your killing the tree's" oh how i love my Anna, makes me laugh so much... SHUT UP YOU TREE HUGGER!
She messed with her eye make-up whilst i messed with the crusty blood around my nose trying to get it off without taking off too much make up, so i don't look like patch the dog!
Lessons, i couldn't have prayed for them to come sooner, Oh the bliss of English language!
"Coursework has to be in next week, i hope its all nearly done!" my cheery teacher announced as I thought...

"You have got to be joking right, oh Shit! i forgot !"