Friday 22 October 2010


 “Id like to hear you play” i said as his dark eyes met mine, he pulled me along, sitting me on the bench beside him. His hand grasp mine as he stared into my curious face, he gave me a long exasperated look, then turned to the black and white keys. And then his fingers flowed swiftly over the ivory, and the room was filled with composition, so complex; made me feel at ease.
I found it impossible to believe that only one pair of hands was playing. I felt my chin drop and my mouth went dry, I stared at him in astonishment.
He looked back still playing, his look was casually, the  music was still surrounding us no break or pause, the essence of brilliancy filled the room as his fingers gently met the keys.
“Do you like it?” he asked with his soothing voice.
“i don’t understand, you wrote this?”
He only nodded.
I closed my eyes, i felt lost in the bitter sweetness of his melody, i felt insignificant.
the music slowed into something softer, i recognised the percussion as it weaved through the profusion of notes,  making me feel weak as i sat beside him.
“You inspire this” He did not make eye contact with me, as i tried to do with him.
“ I have many things i must admit to you” the lullaby became louder as if he was trying to portray his confusion of feeling through his music.
The music became unbearably sweet, i couldn’t resist, i could not speak.
“I love you, you are my life now” he sounded profound and shocked as he said this. His face looked guilty as he swallowed and caught his breath still playing.
“Im here now admitting this because; i have always loved you, and always will”  He seemed confused again, his head tilted away. He paused dropping his hand to the side; before i could speak he was playing again, a soft lullaby. He knew i was more at ease this way, the music took away the inhibitions between the both of us.
“You came into my life so bright with elegance, and i fell, like i have never fallen before. There was such beauty and splendour”
I stuttered in my state of startle, a rabbit in head lights i stared, where could i hide, know where, i didn’t want to, i wanted his words to weave through me. It was like a surge. My heart pounded, i believed him.
“Look after my heart, ive left it with you, i trust you” his husk voice, embedded in my ears.
“Id rather die than be with anyone but you”.
Softly he brushed my cheek, then held my face in his cold hands “Stay very still”.
I felt threatened by his abundant stop of playing and his imperative demand.
“I don’t know how, i can be close to you, you are danger, i have never felt so fearful, but i feed off that”.
The quietness, was so loud in my ears as his hand drew me closer to his face, i felt insecure,  i felt venerable.
“You are the very best part of me, you complete me”